Tuesday, November 6, 2018


These days children between 2 to 15 years of age are having many questions, but a lot of questions remain unanswered. Very few people try to make them understand it perfectly.

Similarly, Elders above 60 years of age have a lot to say. They want to share & talk about their daily routine, but unfortunately, people are not making efforts to listen to their untold story.

In this generation, people are so much involved with their own problems that they don't have time to listen to others (selective hearing) Unfortunately a lot of things go unsaid/unheard.

I Don't know the perfect solution, but I had experienced that sitting for an hour with kids and elders may teach you a lot of things and it will also give you & the other person a great satisfaction.

Let's make an effort daily to listen & express unfiltered thoughts instead of checking filtered pics


Monday, October 5, 2015

Expect Less....

Expectations are "DEBTS" which most probably results in " BAD DEBTS".

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Thursday, July 23, 2015

Its better to remain silent sometimes..........

Sometimes if you can hold your tongue, your ears will definitely salute you☺



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My Other blogs :- Values/things that will define you!
                       A Check up from neck up....
                       Accelerate yourself
                       Sometimes I don't understand........

Thursday, July 9, 2015

Accelerate yourself

The one overtaking you on highway (having same car), just accelerates a bit more than you, life is also something like that only.

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Gift Tax U/s 56(2)
Capital Gain Calculator

Saturday, June 20, 2015

A Check up from neck up....

Our phone or app developer gives an update whenever required, even we need a daily check up. A check up from neck up..

Our apps:- 


Sunday, June 7, 2015

Values/things that will define you!

Today i had a coke,
after the bottle got empty
I rinsed it twice,
the smell was still persistent,
And so is the case with fruit syrup bottles,
so guys what I want to say is
fill in such things(values) in you
(A few if not more)
so that it gets hard for others to get it out from your system...
And this values/things are something that will define you !

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